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Make Your phone as Window7 phone (Already test in X8)

This is a tutorial on how to make your phone look like a Windows Phone 7 phone.
In this thread, I'll be covering the launcher, WP7 like apps, and custom fonts.

So let's get started!!!

First and foremost, the launcher is the first thing that comes to our mind (at least mine) when we think about WP7. We need to download Launcher7 from the market. The dev made a really awesome job. It resembles WP7 very well.
You can customize it however you want. You can find custom tiles here and here.
To make it more believable, go to Launcher7 settings > StatusBar options and check "Use WP7 style statusbar". The rest of the options is your choice.

Lock Screen
For the lockscreen we will download an app from the market named WP7Lock. Customize it on your own likeliness. Simple step.

CM7 WP7 Theme
The theme is needed only when you're out of the launcher because the launcher has it's own status icons and drawer icons.
You can download the theme here (MDPI) [LINK IS DOWN, CHECK ATTACHMENTS FOR "MDPI FIXES"]. This is the original thread. The theme doesn't have a preview, so it's a little difficult to select it in the theme chooser.

Themed Apps
Time for the themed apps. Click the links to download the corresponding app.
More apps here.

Boot Animation
You can download the animation from this thread. However, the creator doesn't provide a MDPI version. You'll have to go with the LDPI one (QVGA). It will appear in the center of the screen while the outer space of the screen will be black.
To install: Download the QVGA version and rename it "". Put that file into system/media/. To keep the old one, rename it to "". Give the following permissions (to the new):

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The WP7 SegoeUI fonts are just gorgeous. Check the zip file in the attachments. Download it, put it in your SD card, reboot to CWM recovery and flash as custom zip.
I know it says "Installing ROBOTO font". Don't mind about that. It is installing SegoeUI font, I just had to get an already made zip to use as a base.

Sounds and Ringtones
In this and this thread you can download the original WP7 sounds and ringtones.

And that's it! Now your phone looks like a Windows Phone 7. Enjoy your new phone!
Attached Files
File Type: zip - [Click for QR Code] (660.6 KB, 2055 views)
File Type: apk MDPI+fixes.apk - [Click for QR Code] (3.44 MB, 1842 views)


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