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Waring From XDA Remove Unlocked Bootloader Warning from Your RAZR M

Have you recently picked up a shiny new RAZR M and decided to unlock the bootloader? If you have, you’ve surely noticed that upon booting the device you are now greeted by a rather sternly worded warning which seems to suggest that not only is your device at risk from physical damage, but you are as well. Thankfully, we’ve yet to hear of anybody being blown to smithereens by unlocking their bootloader.
Should you wish to get rid of the unlocked bootloader warning in favour of the good old fashioned Motorola logo, you are in luck. XDA Senior Member jimmydafish has posted details on how to do just that. Obviously you aren’t limited to using the original Motorola logo, and you can in fact use any image of your choice—a perfect opportunity to give your device it’s own unique start up screen.

The process itself is really quite simple and involves nothing more than creating your desired image in the correct size and format, and then flashing it to the device using fastboot. Don’t worry if you aren’t feeling creative, as the original stock logo is provided in thread.
Take a look at the original thread for more info, just try not to blow yourself up in the process.



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