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Zero Assumption Recovery 9.1 Build 4 Technician Edition

Zero Assumption Recovery provides a suite of highly effective and thorough data recovery software for Microsoft® Windows™ operating systems. We pride ourselves on having created tools that stand out from the crowd - our do it yourself data recovery software is far more persistent than many of the other solutions on the market. Even when you think your hard drive is beyond salvation, ZAR carries on crawling - and ultimately achieves the result.

Because while HDD may cost only sixty dollars, the data may we worth thousands, even millions of dollars. Unfortunately, hard-drives can and do get damaged periodically due to accidental reformatting, viruses, power outages, corrupted software, or employee's mischief. Fortunately, Zero Assumption Recovery (ZAR) can recover all your lost data.

ZAR works in read-only mode, which means that it does not modify the affected drive and thus there is no risk of incurring any additional damage.

A small drawback of this approach is that you have to have another data storage instrument (typically another HDD) available to transfer your data to. It is an essential tool to have at your disposal during critical situations.

Zero Assumption Recovery 9.1 Build 4 Technician Edition Full Crack

Key features:
  • Runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
  • Supported file systems FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS (all versions)
  • Limited support for file systems ext2 (Linux)
  • Support to recover the hard disk
  • Supports Recovery for RAID0 and RAID5
  • Supports long and national file names
  • Supports native NTFS compression


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