Phone Tester 1.82 APK
allows you to test the correct operation of many parts of your device (phone or tablet).
allows you to test the correct operation of many parts of your device (phone or tablet).
- Device's sensors: accelerometer, gyroscope, compass...
- Wifi: internal & external IP, gateway, DHCP server...
- Telephony: signal, network type, external IP...
- GPS: satellites, latitude, longitude, speed...
- Battery: health, level of charge...
- Multitouch screen: how many fingers recognize your device?(not available in Android 1.6)
- Added telephony option.
- Holo theme for devices 3.0+
- Fully optimized for tablets.
- Some generals improvement.
- Bug fixing.
- Fixed some FCs and ANRs.
- Updated AdMob's SDK.
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