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Sacred Guns apk and sd data

Sacred Guns apk + sd data
Download Sacred Guns apk + sd data

  • Wield up to 5 angelic weapons and keep Noah's Ark clean from those filthy, forsaken creatures--those that are too depraved, too ugly or too sickeningly cheerful to be saved. May your guns blaze righteously. Amen!
  • Watch up to 12 full-voiced, hand-drawn cutscenes, complete with a secret ending!
  • Controls: Thumb 1 AIMS, Thumb 2 FIRES. Tap weapon to switch.
  • Upgrade yourself and your weapons between battles: Health, Power, Firing Rate, Mana Cost.
  • Tactical fun: Manage your mana wisely with 5 deadly weapons. Some even charge automatically for even more powerful shots!

How to install Sacred Guns:
1) install the apk
2) Put the data folder to sdcard/android/obb...
3) Launch and play!

Download Here


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